Helping customers make the most of their money

┃Problem Space

The business wants to appeal to mass customers

JP Morgan has established itself as a leading investment firm for the wealthy. However, mass consumer banking customers lack confidence in investing and don't change their financial behaviors. The wealth plan seeks to serve as a universal financial coach for the mass affluent.

My role from designing 0-1 and templatizing insights

I was the sole designer for the "Next Best Action" project. In 2 years' time, I initiated and delivered the insight details page for "Idle Cash". I templatized the design to streamline for several similar features.


The personalized insights project provides data-driven recommendations. I own the entire experience and started with the Idle Cash use case.

┃Next best action

Idle cash
Large deposit
Market events


Account aggregation
Retirement goal
Emergency fund

┃Related to plan

Portfolio events
Goal simulator
Home goal events

┃The shipped design

The calculation, education, and guidance

The idle cash tool helps explain what is idle cash, the breakdown, and how to utilize it. Additionally, the story provides more educational content for users who are not convinced to take action. To bring the visual interest to the next level, we brought in the branding team and an external agency to create sophisticated and engaging videos.

Differentiator of idle cash tool

Through competitive research, I found 2 areas Chase has an edge in -- existing customer data and expertise in advisor services. Unlike emerging fin-tech companies, Chase has legal access to existing user data, which helps the wealth plan feed personalized insights. In this case, we worked out the logic to tell customers how much to invest while maintaining their current lifestyle, not short-term, but long-term.

┃How it started

Why idle cash? Addressing overspending concern

I got the "idle cash" concept from the business side and identified the problem we solve for customers - to address their overspending concern.


From the user's perspective, we help address their overspending concern - “I made a big purchase and my credit card bill is high. Am I spending too much?”

Where do we come in?

From a business perspective, we saw the opportunity to suggest how much the user could transfer and to which account when in the mind of planning goals.

┃How it evloved

Identifying other opportunity areas to create insights

Before diving into other insights, I conducted a hypothesis workshop with 5 product managers and 3 designers backed by prior research to identify customer pain points and opportunity areas.


Success Metrics Jan 2023



Nudge journey




┃UX impact/takeaway

• Work closely with design system

In the midst of debates over UI treatments for nudges, I learned to work together with the design system. I then crafted reusable design templates, ensuring a seamless workflow for other teams.

• Use out-of-box ideas to inspire

While experimenting with various formats for our educational bite-sized content, like cards and scrollable photos, I stumbled upon the spark of the story idea. This revelation taught me that venturing beyond the design system can yield future design inspiration, dispelling any notion of creative efforts going to waste.

For the full case study please contact me at